Saturday, November 19, 2011

TMI Post/ Break Day

Thursday was my break day.

I was reluctant to take one, since my run on Wednesday night was so good, but I had experienced some spotting after every run, and a lot after my longer run, Wednesday night. I was worried that I might have been hurting my body, so I took a day off, and spent that day wishing I were exercising/researching what was going on.

Turns out, it's a pretty normal occurrence for some women-- just their body's way of dealing with the extra stress on their body. It seemed the majority of women experienced it while running, though some got it from cycling, swimming, and doing the elliptical. If it was a taxing exercise (for them), then they experienced it.

Some women said it was an indication of something wrong in their system, like polyps or cysts. Since I'm already aware I have cysts, I'm not too worried. As long as it stays light, I'll be fine.

As for running, I went yesterday earlier in the day, and it was so disheartening. It was super windy out, and I wanted to run a simple two miles, but barely ran any of it. I felt...disappointed in myself, and it was hard to keep a positive mindset. I ended up walking almost all of it (maybe running most of one mile, total-- but I'm not even sure if I got that far) and feeling like a failure. Not for walking, but for not having the awesome run like I had two night's prior. I think comparing whatever run you had to a past run, at least for me, is not a good idea. It starts me in that competitive mindset again, even if just with myself, and I don't think that is going to help me like running.

I went home, tried to take a small nap, loaded up on some more fuel (eggs and peanut butter toast) and decided to try again later. This time, I brought my husky with me. The run was a billion times better. Having Bandit as a pacemaker was a) humbling, and b) extremely helpful. He was so excited, I didn't want to disappoint him-- plus, he helped me sprint a few good times, and with him aiding by pulling, I went faster than I ever have before. It was wonderful, though he needs a BIT more obedience for staying next to me rather than pulling. He's been better about that before, so I'm going to chalk it up to excitement.

So...about to go run with him again :) Here's to hoping it was as great as yesterday!

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